About Us
Mezcalería Berlin was founded in 2009 by Axel Huhn. He is a trained landscape gardener and holds a degree in architecture from the Technical University of Berlin. He wrote his thesis on urban development and indigenous land rights in Oaxaca. For eight years, he was a senior member of the ‘Mexico’ exchange and development project at TU Berlin.
Mezcalería Berlin is supported by Nils Dallmann. He runs the architecture firm Usos y Costumbres in Mexico City and works at the Goethe-Institut.
We are lateral entrants to the spirits business without forgetting our roots. We value ecological and economic sustainability and we respect the social and cultural context of our producers. To achieve this, we do without expensive catalogues, trade fair appearances and brand ambassadors. We have no free goods to give away as advertising, as fairness has two directions. In return, our customers can be sure that the price of our products corresponds to their actual value.
The products on this site are individually handcrafted items, skillfully made by the people you can see under PRODUCERS. Write us an email in case you want to learn more. We will be happy to answer your questions.